Take a look at my Frontend projects!

Autism Landing Page Project

Autism Awareness Landing Page

Built with HTML, CSS, Java Script, and VS Code

A simple landing page to support Autism Awareness. It includes an alert asking the user for full name and email to become a supporter.
*Desktop version only | Not Responsive*

Vanilla Weather App Project

Vanilla JS Weather App

Built with HTML, CSS, Java Script, VS Code, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting: Netlify.

Created an interactive Vanilla Weather App that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to give accurate data and forecasts for any location worldwide. Find your city using the search function or clicking the current location icon. It searches for and displays the current temperature, humidity, wind, and weather icon for the searched city. You can also choose to view the temperature in °C or °F.


Built with HTML, CSS, VS Code, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting: Netlify, Flexbox, SEO, Responsive Design

Created a portfolio to display my work experience, certifications, projects, skills and tools learned, and contact information

React Weather App

Weather App (React)

Built with HTML, CSS, React.js, VS Code, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting: Netlify

Created an interactive React Weather App that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to give accurate data and forecasts for any location worldwide. Find your city using the search function or clicking the current location icon. It searches for and displays the current temperature, humidity, wind, and animated weather icons for the searched city. You can also choose to view the temperature in °C or °F.

Dictionary App (React)

Built with HTML, CSS, React.js, VS Code, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting: Netlify

Created an interactive Dictionary App that uses API to get the dictionary data searched. Once a word is searched the definition, phonetics, example sentence, synonyms, and images is presented.

Movie App (React)

Built with HTML, CSS, React.js, VS Code, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting: Netlify

Created an interactive Movie App that uses API to get movies data searched. Once a movie is searched; name , overview, and the rating (1-10) is presented.